Scenario: I'd like to add a top banner to the category page. When user clicks on it, it'll navigate to another page.
1. Go to Database and add new columns TopBannerId & TopBannerLink in Category table.
It's recommended to add a new column via SQL.
ALTER TABLE [dbname].[dbo].[Category] ADD [TopBannerId] INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
ALTER TABLE [dbname].[dbo].[Category] ADD [TopBannerLink] NVARCHAR(500) NULL
2. Go to Libraries > Nop.Core > Domain > Catalog > Category.cs
Add this code:
public int TopBannerId { get; set; }
public string TopBannerLink { get; set; }
3. Go to Libraries > Nop.Data > Mapping > Catalog > CategoryMap.cs
Add this code:
this.Property(p => p.TopBannerLink).HasMaxLength(500).IsOptional();
4. Go to Presentation > Nop.Admin > Models > Catalog > CategoryModel.cs
Add these codes:
public int TopBannerId { get; set; }
public string TopBannerLink { get; set; }
5. Go to Presentation > Nop.Admin > Validators > Catalog > CategoryValidator.cs
Add this code:
RuleFor(x => x.TopBannerLink).Length(0, 500);
6. Go to Presentation > Nop.Admin > Views > Category > _CreateOrUpdate.Info.cshtml
Add these codes to where you want to edit the new property:
@Html.NopLabelFor(model => model.TopBannerId)
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.TopBannerId)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.TopBannerId)
@Html.NopLabelFor(model => model.TopBannerLink):
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.TopBannerLink)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.TopBannerLink)
5. Go to Presentation > Nop.Admin > Controllers > CategoryController.cs
Add in these codes:
Method name: Edit(CategoryModel model, bool continueEditing)
This is to delete the old top banner when deleting or updating.
I just modified the codes from the Picture, and placed the codes just below it.
int prevTopBannerId = category.TopBannerId;
if (prevTopBannerId > 0 && prevTopBannerId != category.TopBannerId)
var prevTopBanner = _pictureService.GetPictureById(prevTopBannerId);
if (prevTopBanner != null)
6. Go to Presentation > Nop.Web > Models > Catalog > CategoryModel.cs
Add in this code:
public PictureModel TopBannerModel { get; set; }
public string TopBannerLink { get; set; }
7. Go to Nop.Web > Infrastructure > Cache > ModelCacheEventConsumer.cs
Add these codes:
public const string CATEGORY_TOP_BANNER_MODEL_KEY = "Nop.pres.category.topbanner-{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}-{5}";
public const string CATEGORY_TOP_BANNER_PATTERN_KEY = "Nop.pres.category.topbanner";
8. Go to Presentation > Nop.Web > Controllers > CategoryController.cs
Method name: Category(CategoryModel model, bool continueEditing)
Place these codes after var model = category.ToModel();
int topBannerSize = _mediaSettings.MaximumImageSize;
var categoryTopBannerCacheKey = string.Format(ModelCacheEventConsumer.CATEGORY_TOP_BANNER_MODEL_KEY, category.Id, topBannerSize, true, _workContext.WorkingLanguage.Id, _webHelper.IsCurrentConnectionSecured(), _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id);
model.TopBannerModel = _cacheManager.Get(categoryTopBannerCacheKey, () =>
var topBanner = _pictureService.GetPictureById(category.TopBannerId);
var topBannerModel = new PictureModel
FullSizeImageUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(topBanner),
ImageUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(topBanner, topBannerSize),
Title = string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("Media.Category.ImageLinkTitleFormat"), model.Name),
AlternateText = string.Format(_localizationService.GetResource("Media.Category.ImageAlternateTextFormat"), model.Name)
return topBannerModel;
9. Go to Presentation > Nop.Web > Views> Catalog > CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml
Add in these codes where you want to display the picture.
title="@Model.TopBannerModel.Title" />
10. Go to Admin > Configuration > Languages
Click on View string resouces for your language.
Add new record for the newly added field - The name of the resouce is the one we previously set in step 4.